Midlife Crisis!
So, you think you’ve had one
There’s always room for another!
At first I realized that I was having a midlife crisis at 33. I left my ex and took the kids. I thought I was over it! Now, I find myself considering a tattoo! Good grief, what’s the matter with me. I want to place it like a “tramp stamp” where no one can see it. For heaven’s sake, there are a lot of stretch marks, shaving, and scars no one sees! So, after considering this I decided the perfect ink and style! Now, I don’t care if I get the tattoo or not!
Instead of going to the city to be with my sister and mother while my niece had her gallbladder out, I ended up with chest pains (usually associated with panic attacks!) After the second “chill pill” the chest pain was still there so I called my daughter, who is an RN, and asked her what to do! She said take an adult strength aspirin and go to the hospital. So, with soaking wet hair, fresh from the shower, I drove myself to the hospital which is literally within a stone’s throw! Not that I could throw one that far!
You should have seen how quickly they slapped me onto that gurney and stuck me full of IV’s and ECG stickers! Got admitted for the weekend and had myself a mini vacation a la hospital style! The food was yuck!
Since then I’ve had a stress test which was normal. The cardiologist said to see him right away if I have any more chest pains. There was one spot that couldn’t be visualized by the scanner they scan your heart with after receiving a dose of IV radiopaque dye. He said there was too much breast tissue in the way!
He cleared me to go out of the country for a cruise that my daughter and I had booked the night before…..details to follow!
I’ve joined the YMCA and am doing water aerobics and swimming laps. Having been raised in Florida I take to water like a duck!
I’ve changed my diet to mostly vegetarian since I can’t eat much cheese that I love! Red meat is kept to once a week!
The good news is my pants are all getting too big! So far my bras still fit! Big boobs aren’t all they’re cracked up to be! We women carry those things around 24/1/365 so our “titty lovin’” husbands can get their jollys!
As you can see my humor is intact and I’m fine! More on the cruise later!