August 15, 2008

Water Damage!

A supersonic big wahhhhhhhhhhhh from the heart of Florida!~

I've been cleaning, I mean deep cleaning the house today and had almost called it quits!~ DH reminded me that he needs his black pants to wear Monday for the presentation, so I figured I'd better get his clothes washed, at least two loads!~

I went into the laundry room, which just happens to be adjacent to my scrap room, and flood...............flood into the scrap room too!~ My sewing machiene right there in a puddle of water under my die cut desk! At least the Cricut was on top and the sewing machiene is hopefully ok since it's got a big base and I found it right away!

I'm so tired I could cry and now this!

DH was eating lunch when his tooth began hurting really badly where he had some endodontic work a couple of months ago!~ I said, "that's not normal" so he's off to the dentist so that they can "fit him in" before he goes out of town tomorrow AM! I don't even want to call him b/c he's got so much on his mind right now!

I think I'll just go have a little pitty party! I had quilts and rugs to was from the dogs so I threw them all over the water. The water ran through the kitchen closet and into the dining room and onto the carpet! Also all the way across my scrap/computer room! Nothing important was damaged as most of my stash is in plastic bags or bins!
Calgon! Take me away!

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