November 14, 2007

Here they are!

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Such a stir over such a pair of boots! I know many of you are going to be thinking that I am out of my mind but of course I already know THAT!~

I called the company requesting to return the unworn boots. So hidden away were the boots that I hadn't even dared sneak them out of hiding to see what else was in the bag. Of course, a paper saying all sales were final, right there in the clear plastic shopping bag with the colorful boots screaming "look what she bought"!

Actually I do really like the boots and plan to wear them with jeans and cotton sweats and t-shirts. Plain ones. It has to be a flash back to my "wanna be" hippy days. I was too young to be a hippy but that didn't mean that I wasn't watching those nutty folks!

My biggest regret is making such a purchase without consulting DH! Guess he will be going with me to future art shows! I just know he will never see the joy that the non-practical boots could bring me. Then again, maybe he will. He has two pair of cowboy boots and I have one pair!

Actually my intention is that he not EVER see these boots but he is famous for checking CC charges and I just know from experience that he will find them!

I'm kicking myself as much as I like the boots! It was a foolish purchase, I could have bought half of my much needed camera with that money.

For now I'll go back to making cards and gifts with my Stampin' Up business and who knows, maybe I can make a couple of bucks to ease my conscience!


Musicmom-Amy said...

Those boots are SO you!!!

Lisa said...

LOVE THEM Jan! Glad you posted a picture.

Christie said...

As soon as I saw the pictures I thought yep those are Jan! You will enjoy them.