July 8, 2008

Could this be it?

Last night I had a chat with my DD via telephone. She has been asked to serve as maid of honor in her girlfriends wedding. They have been friends since high school.

Girlfriend, I'll call her Ann, saw the wedding invitations that I made for my son's wedding. She asked my DD where he bought them. DD told her that I made them. Ann was so surprised and wants me to make her "save the date" announcements as well as her wedding invitations. To top it all off Ann wants me to make her wedding album!

I've got to figure the cost of my supplies and time, plus a little for the design aspect. I want to be fair to Ann but I don't want to cut my own throat and make it something that isn't worth my while! All this and giving Ann a break as these invitations will probably go out to about 75-100 people!

When DD and her Ann were in high school, Ann's mother called me one day to ask if she might drop by my house after school and talk to me along with the two girls. Now, and even at the time, I wasn't quite sure what point she wanted to make. It had something to do with the two girls not being friends anymore. DD and I both agree that Ann's mother is a bit of a nut case. Even Ann got out of her mother's house ASAP.

The above makes me skeptical as I don't want to get involved with Ann's mother! Ann has a good job that pays well. She has even purchased her own home.

The plan is/was for me to go up to DD's home and meet with Ann to get an idea of where Ann wants to go with this.

I would spend the night with my DD and spend some much needed time with her.

I didn't sleep well last night for some unknown reason but slept in and got a couple of good hours this AM.

I'm off to call DD and DM (in case she wants to go with me). I'll decide if I am going today or tomorrow.

Bottom line! I think I've landed my first big job making invitations and a wedding book! Who knows what else! Maybe place cards or take home memento's! I'm just glad that Ann is "on the ball" planning this far ahead instead of the six week planning time my DDIL's mother took to plan DS and her daughter's wedding!

Wish me luck! Comments and advice encouraged!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Yeah... good for you Jan!