July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008

Good morning! Weather here is once again hot, hot, hot! I still don't feel as if I have recovered from my whirlwind of a month, June! I've got a lot to share with you and hope to do so soon.

My Studio where I do my scrapbooking and rubberstamping is all a mess. It needs much attention. There's a fine balance of messiness and productiviity vs. absolute organization. For me, it's time to get toward but have never reached absolute organization before I can begin to produce again.

Also, I'm trying to update my links and perk up my blog! I agree with Kris, this is the way to go instead of posting on so many different MB's to reach all your friends!

Maybe today I can get some techno support for my computer, hope so! I know I need that PCN!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love the playlist but I had to smile when I saw Led Zepplin in the midst of Josh Groban!

You've inspired me to update my blog soon!