September 19, 2008

Friday Fill In!

1. There is no need worry.
2. Where in the heck did the time go?
3. I wanted to exercise 3 times this week, 3 is all I managed to do.
4. Prospects for my fundraiser for the Clearlake Family are full of effort and I hope it helps them.
5.Keep trying is the message.
6. Simplicity and tranquility are results of a hard days work and a gift not to be taken for granted.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to will someone else please fix supper, tomorrow my plans include a 12 hour crop at my LSS, and Sunday, I want to veg, but I'll be doing the laundry if I don't do it today!

1 comment:

~Trish~ said...

Cute Blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week when I was the featured blogger, I am STILL trying to catch up on all the comments :) To answer your questions, I used to live in Lee's Summit, MO and yes I am a Broncos fan! hehe