September 5, 2008

Yikes! Look out for Ike!

Hanna is bring to us breezy weather with light rain. The air is much cooler and skys cloudy. She's headed up to the Southern Coast of North Carolina where some of my roots began.

My paternal grandmother lived right on the sound on a peanut plantation. Her mother died at an early age so Daisy was left to raise the young 'uns! She worked hard all of her life and died of Alzheimer's many years ago. She could make biscuits without a recipe. She made them every meal! She taught us how to eat lots of vegetables and to respect black people, even before the civil rights movement. Each summer my sister and I would be escorted to Raleigh by my great aunt Diana and then we would spend a couple of weeks being doted on by grandmother. She had an ice crusher and always had ginger ale for us to drink! She worked for Trailways, which was a bus company like Greyhound, so often our trip with Aunt Diana would be on the bus.

Once we took the train and ate Rice Krispies with sugar and real cream! Wow was that ever good.

Oh, this was supposed to be about Ike! Since we're still dealing with Hanna, I'll write about Ike when I know more.

Daisy Belle Atkinson


Chrissea said...

She's beautiful. Where is "the sound?"

Musicmom-Amy said...

I second that! She is very beautiful and what fun memories. Um, sound slike a scrap page Jan!!

Chrissea said...

LOL - I didn't mean that kind of Sound... you mentioned you were from "the sound" Was wondering where is "the sound"

kris said...

love that pic... so regal!